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Everything You Need To Know About Different Types Of Variables In Research

by robertfawl
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Types Of Variables In Research


Variables are the attributes that help identify the specific purpose of your research. The researchers need them to describe the information used in the research process. Many variables with different purposes define the constraints and interpretation of an experiment. Variable describes the research problem so that the reader can get precise information about the research analysis process.

The research aims to explain what new idea or opinion you discover based on evidence. Variables are the names you give to the information you need to explain the constraints of the research; they can be a place or thing. The writer should understand the value of each variable and how it relates to other data in a research study. In this article, you will learn about the different types of variables. Here, we provide you with an understanding of when the variable should be used to clarify your research.

Types of Variables in Research Work:

The researcher wants to prove their point to the audience. For this purpose, they use variables to make their research process effective. Variables are necessary as the variables identify the results that meet your goals.

Research is dependent upon the measurements of the variables. The determination of variables is according to the purpose of the research. Choose variables in your work by understanding the terminology and research literature. There are seven types of variables roles in the research. This article will teach all the types of variables and their uses.

Independent variables in Research Work:

An Independent variable is a single characteristic of the person, place or thing that the other can not change. For example, the age of the person is an independent variable. It does not depend on other features of the person. Any other aspect of the person’s quality can’t change their age. Independent variables don’t change yet; they may change other variables. Researchers try to figure out which context-independent variables can be used in research work. Identify how they affect other variables and in what way.

1.      Dependent Variables in Research Work:

A dependent variable depends on other components that can define the outcome or result of an experiment. The value of a dependent variable is affected by other components. For example, the marks you got in your final exam are an example of a dependent variable. It depends on different factors like how much you studied for your exam.

Independent variables change the value of dependent variables, but dependent variables can not change the value of independent variables. In a research study, the researcher tries to determine which variable changes the dependent variable and how.

2.      Intervening Variables In Research Work:

Intervening in a mediator variable describes the relationship between dependent or independent variables in the research base study. It also explains the cause or connection between other study materials. The researcher’s hypothesis links two variables, i.e. dependent or independent.

For example, any subject’s grade is a dependent variable, and the subject’s syllabus is the independent variable. Then the researcher might hypothesize the specific methods by which you get good marks in the subject.

These methods in the research are intervening variables, also known as a mediator or theoretical variables. This type of variable in the research is associations instead of observations.

3.      Moderating Variables in Research Work:

A moderator variable changes the connection between dependent and independent variables. When the researchers give such a claim, that affects the intervening variable. It may weaken the relationship between the variables or might strengthen it.

For example:

Covid 19 is an independent variable in a research study. How people get attacked by the disease is the dependent variable. Here, age is the moderating variable. Now observe the relationship of disease with younger age individual might be weaker. At the same time, the risk between the disease and older age individuals is high.

4.      Control Variable In Research Studies:

Controlling variables are the types of variables that remain constant in the research study. Characteristics of an individual or a place that do not change in all research studies. They do not affect by other variables’ occurrence. They are like a constant value that does not affect other variables. Sometimes, researchers keep the control variable’s value the same throughout the experiment.

For example:

Experiment with tree development. Here the control variable is the amount of water the tree gets. These values or amounts remain the same throughout the experiment; hence they do not affect the tree’s growth.

5.       Quantitative Variables In Research Study:

Quantitative variables describe the data in the form of numbers and amounts. Examples are: How far one place is from another? I.e. distance. Quantitative research is further divided into two parts that are:

·         Discrete Variable In Research Study:

It includes any variable you have to count, such as how much savings you have made in the last three years.

·         Continuous Variable In Research Study:

These are the infinite variables that cannot be counted, such as time.

6.      Qualitative Variables In Research Study:

It shows non-numerical values and is also known as categorical variables. It is one of the types of variables that the researcher uses when describing the quality of anything, for example, the colour of the eye etc.

Qualitative variables are further categorized into three types.

·         Binary Variables:

These are the variables used for two objects, such as older or younger, blue or green.

·         Nominal Variables:

It is the type of variable used for more than two objects. It means they do not follow a particular order, such as society’s homes: here, you write the size of the homes.

·         Ordinal Variables:

These variables organize into more than two categories—for example, levels of stress.


Variables are used to provide clear and concise findings of your research study. Now that you understand the different types of variables in your research work. Once you understand, you will be able to write any of the research work. The above seven types of variables provide effective methods to incorporate the variables effectively. With this, you will create a compelling image of your research among the audience and your professors.

Author Bio:

Robert Fawl is a professional Content writer & Content Marketer, based in London. Robert is an Author and Blogger with experience in providing writing services including but not limited to Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing, Coursework Writing Services, Thesis Writing Services and Assignment Writing etc.

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